Friday, August 17, 2007

最珍貴的角落 ~ 讚美之泉 SOP

this is a very nice song by SOP, one of the latest album, is about friendship. i really love this album alot; especially this song.

God blesses us with friends on this earth, for them to walk through this life with us - in good and bad times, friends are the one who make and mould us to the person we are - somehow ..
as the saying goes- "birds of the same feathers flock together."

Therefore, friends are indeed very important, we must choose our friends wisely.

We need friends, don't we?

However, no matter how close our friends can be.. our friends can't be with us 24/7, some of our best buddies don't even understand us the way we want them to be, even some maybe 10 / 20 years of friendship, we often will quarrel, argue, debate, fight ..

is so hard to understand why ..

just to let you know that, there is Someone who really knows us - very well.. very very well..

He is our best Friend on earth. He really cares and loves us.. He is forever with us.. He will never leave us nor forsake us - no matter where we are, He is always near .. a Friend that i can trust and rely for life..

He is Jesus ~ my faithful Friend, my Lord, my King.. my everything.. =)

anyway.. enjoy this song ya..


謝謝你燦爛笑容 照亮我的天空
謝謝你分享心情 把我放在你心中

夜裡有時為寒冷 你我生根同暖土
友情是最亮的星 我的生命從此美麗

當你正走在坎坷路 我會伴你在左右
一起向藍天歡呼 向白雲招手


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