A day to remember - 11 FEB 2007
I have been waiting for this day, for a long time... Almost 3 years! Oh manz .. After hearing many Christians who has walked with the Lord Jesus, they shared powerful testimony. How His miracles is happening in their life.. I tell God, "Lord, I want to share too."
I have always wanted to testify God 's goodness in my life. I have praying many times that I can use by God, to witness His awesome work. to magnify His great Name! Today, 11 FEB 2007, thank God, He has granted me this desire! HA HA HA !!!
I was feeling very nervous.. but I have prepared my script well. Thanks to my pastor Francis Chen who has helped me to edit it on Saturday, after midnight (which is 12 - 1am, Sunday morning) I was so nervous that I could not sleep till almost 2-3 am.. heehee ... :)
Managed to wake up at 7.45am, get ready to Church (Centre of New Life - CNL) - Orchard Hotel .. for both the 9m and 11am service. (www.cnl.org.sg)
I have always wanted to testify God 's goodness in my life. I have praying many times that I can use by God, to witness His awesome work. to magnify His great Name! Today, 11 FEB 2007, thank God, He has granted me this desire! HA HA HA !!!
I was feeling very nervous.. but I have prepared my script well. Thanks to my pastor Francis Chen who has helped me to edit it on Saturday, after midnight (which is 12 - 1am, Sunday morning) I was so nervous that I could not sleep till almost 2-3 am.. heehee ... :)
Managed to wake up at 7.45am, get ready to Church (Centre of New Life - CNL) - Orchard Hotel .. for both the 9m and 11am service. (www.cnl.org.sg)
Keep praying in the spirit on my way to Church, preparing my heart for such this special event! - God's event! I took it very seriously, as I really want to do a "good job" in honouring God's faithfulness and love. Giving thanks to Him in the public. To lift His Name high..
God is with me.. I felt the peace.. and I was not really fearful, even I was abit nervous..
I have been praying before I go up to the stage, "Father, let the words from my mouth glorify Your Name, and not mine, use me to touch the heart of those who need to hear You. Let them know You are calling them to trust in You. Let Your voice be heard, Lord.. "
I tried my best to make my voice be cleared, to be able to preach the goodness of my Lord. Expressing the struggles I have been thru, and the victory in Christ. How God has turned the situation around. Many in the CNL were encouraged. Some came to me to thank me for sharing this powerful testimony. My heart was indeed filled with joy!
Some even commented that I sound as if am preaching, and was quite "Pro" dun seem nervous at all .. haha!! - must be God 's working again..

Praise the Lord! Jesus Name is glorified.. am so thankful also that God used me to encourage some of CNL members..
In fact, God is working in our lives, all of us. Sometimes, is only thru the trials and crisis we are facing, we then be able to see God's hand upon the impossibe situation. That is when we see Him performing miracles... our faith level increase. We can see Him carry us to the storms, and bringing us from the valley to the mountain.
We just need to trust Him and obey. We serve a good and faithful God, Who will always love us no matter what! So - REJOICE !
Just like what Paul wrote in Philippians 4: 4 - "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again, I say rejoice!" Even he was chained in the jail, he is still rejoicing! I got no idea how he can do it. .. Am learning .. to be able to rejoice in all situations.. and give thanks in everything.. =)
Well.. if Paul can trust God in that situation, we can do it too.. God is our strong tower, our refuge, He is our very present help in times of needs... How wonderful ya?
Jesus is the same -
Jesus is the same -
Yesterday, Today, and Forever ....
He will never change..
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